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10 Hidden Gems For The Nintendo Game Boy

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Hammerin Harry: Ghost Building Company 

Irem’s Hammerin Harry is a rather unique side scrolling platform bash em up experience probably only likened to a more cutesy version of SplatterHouse. Great presentation and attention to detail is evident throughout from the opening intro scenes that explain the story to the pre-level cinema seat presentation and digitized speech. It truly is a game that can only be seen and heard to be fully explained. The in game visuals are represented by large well detailed sprites probably only matched by those seen in Super Mario Land 2. You move through each level pummeling various horror movie style characters with your big mallet and collecting power ups such as protective helmets and larger spiked bats.

You are also presented with side scrolling shoot em up sub-levels which include some nice parallax scrolling and break up the gameplay well, complimenting the overall experience. Unfortunately, the PAL version of this game was only released in Austria and Switzerland for some reason, but if you are looking for a real unique gameplay experience that really shows off the visual capabilities of the GB, then this is a real gem.

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